Roman chasuble replica no. 13

$ 222.09

Modern technology of transferring photographs to fabric.
Excellent quality, durability, realistic colors.
Chasuble made of high-quality fabric interwoven with gold or silver thread,
mixtures of natural and polyester fibers.
The chasubles are slightly stiffened and sewn with a viscose-satin lining matched to the color of the chasuble.
The chasuble is exceptionally light.
Universal size.

Length :
– front 98 cm (+-2 cm) from the shoulder to the bottom of the chasuble
– back 110 cm (+-2 cm) from the shoulder to the bottom of the chasuble

The set consists of a chasuble, stole, maniple, chalice veil and bursa.

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SKU: 224/13/24 Category: Tag:
ID_Product: 224/13/24

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